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Bogolan Music

Posted by Metis Records team on 16 April 2010 | 0 Comments


Bogolan tissu

Let us remember ourselves! Bogolan comes from Bambara, of bogo (earth) and of lan (through) The bogolan tissue is an ancestral tissue of ornament with animistic ideograms. It is dyed with a decoction of leaves of ngalama and it is dried in the sun. The painter, then, draws with a brush, his symbolism. For the painting in fabric, the artist uses brown, rust obtained with decoctions of bark of mpécou or mineral natural pigments

Bogolan studio

We cannot refrain from establishing a link between the artisanal symbolic and religious tissue and the music studio. All the melodic colors, the natural and virtuoso talents of the malian artists using ancestral instruments,create the image of Big Musical Africa.

Bogolan Music

It is of our duty to show that this studio is always filled with colors and with malian smells. Created by Ali Farka Toure ten years ago with Yves Wernert and Ibrahima Sylla, we wish to show through 2 CD and 1 DVD, the variety of the welcomed artists in Studio Bogolan. That they are African or International artists, they put their feelings and their musical talents at our disposal.